About me

My story

My entire professional career has been dedicated to software testing.

With over 25 years of international experience in software consultancy, I have held a range of roles within the software testing field, primarily as a test manager. Since moving to Denmark in 2001, I have worked with several companies, such as Embedit and Motorola. In 2008, I transitioned to freelance consulting, focusing on Software Test Management and related areas like defect and release management.

Throughout my freelance career, I have collaborated with some of Denmark’s largest companies, including KMD, Microsoft, and Nets, as well as public organizations like SKAT, where I specialized in test and defect management.

I began my career in the Netherlands as a Software Test Trainee at Sogeti, a leader in the software testing field and part of the Cap Gemini Group. During my time there, I held several roles, eventually leading a team of 60 test consultants working on client projects. I was also responsible for recruiting test professionals in a highly competitive market.

Besides my economical education (M.Sc in Economics), I have an extensive practical and theoretical background within the software test and requirement management domain. Furthermore I have trained consultants in the software test method TMap (Test Management Approach) and am thus a very capable instructor and communicator.